Know The 10 Signs Of Wisdom Tooth Removal Infection

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Some patients need not undergo wisdom tooth removal when their third molars come out in the correct position. However, it becomes necessary when a patient’s wisdom tooth is impacted. This means that his mouth does not have enough space for the third molar to properly develop. Another reason might be that its growth only causes damage to the neighboring teeth or the jaw bone. Dentists take a digital X-ray of the mouth to ensure that extraction is the best course of action. 

The removal of a third molar no longer requires a tooth replacement. However, patients need to be extra cautious in caring for their mouth after the procedure to prevent tooth extraction infection. Conversely, how do you determine the signs and symptoms of an infection after the rear tooth extraction?

10 Signs of wisdom tooth removal infection

  1. You experience difficulty in breathing or swallowing your food. 
  2. There’s excessive bleeding in the surgical site. 
  3. The gums surrounding the extraction site is swelling. 
  4. You have bad breath or taste in the mouth even after you gargle with a saltwater rinse. 
  5. The feeling is numbness is past 24 hours since the wisdom tooth removal
  6. Pus is developing in the socket. 
  7. It’s painful when you open and close your mouth. 
  8. You still feel dental pain even after taking prescribed medications. 
  9. You have a high temperature within the week following the procedure. 
  10. There is blood or pus discharge from your nose. 

You need to immediately seek your dentist’s help at the first sign of any of the tooth extraction infection symptoms. These should not be taken lightly as they may escalate to other dental problems. 

Caring for your mouth after wisdom tooth removal 

Caring for yourself after any surgical procedure is imperative. After your wisdom tooth removal appointment, you have to clear your schedule so you can go home and take a rest. Your body needs it so you can recover faster and be back to your daily routine after 72 hours. During this period, avoid doing physical or strenuous activities that may increase your blood pressure. In this manner, excessive bleeding is prevented. Enjoy more cold food to constrict the blood vessels in your mouth and encourage blood clot formation on the extraction site. The sooner blood clot is formed, the higher chances of evading wisdom tooth extraction infection. 

Wisdom tooth extraction in London, Ontario is one of the common dental procedures that you may need to undergo. There’s nothing to be anxious about as long as you heed your dentist’s instructions after the tooth removal.

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