Conventional Vs Contemporary Dental Bridge Procedure

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Most dental clinics continue to adopt new methodologies in delivering various services to their valued patients. Among the developments is how they perform a dental bridge procedure. Dental bridges are a type of restorative treatment for replacing missing teeth. Furthermore, this treatment method requires an abutment or anchor teeth that support a pontic or false tooth.   

Traditionally, the materials in crafting dental bridges are porcelain and metals such as gold or alloy. Due to the metal’s dark color, most patients now prefer a porcelain dental bridge.

There are four different kinds of a dental bridge in London, Ontario.

  • Traditional dental bridge
  • Cantilever bridge
  • Maryland tooth bridge
  • Implant-supported bridge

From these options, the dentist chooses one type that’s best suitable for his patient. In choosing the kind of dental bridge, he considers the location of missing teeth and the number of teeth that need replacement.

Over time, the procedure in performing a dental bridge restoration has changed. To learn the two methods that dentists use to restore a missing tooth using a dental bridge, read on.

Types of dental bridge procedure

Conventional method

This type of dental bridge procedure entails two dental appointments. On the patient’s first visit, the dentist prepares the abutment teeth. Initially, the dentist numbs the treatment area and removes a portion of the patient’s teeth enamel that act as an anchor. Once the abutment teeth are ready, the dental crowns will be fitted over them. Next, he takes a dental impression using a putty-like material to create a model restoration. After gathering the data, it is sent to a dental laboratory and a dental technician will fabricate the crowns and tooth bridge. Meanwhile, the patient receives a temporary crown and bridge while waiting for two weeks for the final restorations.

After two weeks, the patient returns to the clinic to receive the porcelain dental bridge restoration. During that follow up visit, the temporary ones are removed. Then, the permanent bridge is set while the dentist checks for final fitting. Finally, he cements the tooth restoration and checks the patient’s bite to ensure everything is perfect.

Contemporary method

The new method of a dental bridge procedure allows the patient to save time since it’s done in one visit. On this visit, the abutment teeth are trimmed down so the crowns fit over the top of the anchor teeth. In order to do this, the patient is given local anesthesia to ensure he does not feel any discomfort during this process. Next, the dentist takes a digital impression of his teeth. Following that step, the information is automatically sent to the milling machine that will fabricate the restorations while the patient waits. The machine may fabricate either ceramic or porcelain dental bridge, depending on the patient’s request. Once ready, the bridge restoration is mounted and the dentist checks the fitting to ensure it suits just right. Lastly, he cements it and allows the patient to check if his bite is properly aligned.

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