10 Must-Have Items For Your Emergency Dental Care Kit

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Having an emergency dental care kit will help you save a tooth and prevent it from getting worse. Especially when you’re mostly traveling, it would be hard to rush to the nearest dental clinic or see your dentist. You just have to be prepared for things that might happen.

You’ll never know what misfortune you might encounter around the corner. It would be such a bummer to drop a denture while enjoying an eat out with your family. Moreover, you might think of quitting sports after losing a tooth to a flying ball.

Think of it as rare cases but they’re quite possible. If you’ve never experienced needing dental emergency services, you’re lucky. You could also avoid being in one if you don’t really want to. So, gather these items in one kit and bring them with you at all times.

Emergency dental care kit items

  1. Sanitizing wipes

For whatever the situation may be, always prioritize sanitation. This would prevent any contamination and spread of infection when tending to a dental emergency. Sanitary wipes could greatly help in cleaning off discharges from an infected tooth, for instance.

  1. Gloves

Another way to ensure cleanliness is by using gloves. During an emergency dental care, it’s normal to freak out and reach inside your mouth with your bare hands. However, the downside to this is that you’re risking infection if your hands aren’t desensitized. Put this item in your kit so you won’t have to forget about sanitation during emergencies.

  1. Tweezers

A loose tooth may find use of this tool. You could use tweezers to pluck out a tooth that’s hard to reach. You could also use tweezers to hold gauze or cotton. The function is limitless so don’t ever leave this one behind.

  1. Cotton and gauze

When you are given dental emergency services, cotton and gauze are always present. Almost every dental and medical operation makes use of cotton to stop bleeding or apply liquids such as alcohol. Meanwhile, gauze is perfect for wound dressing and cover as it doesn’t stick, unlike other fabrics.

dental emergency services

  1. Floss

Floss must still be present in your emergency dental care kit even if not for your regular flossing. It comes in handy when debris gets caught up in between teeth and becomes difficult to remove.

  1. Dental wax

If you have braces, consider packing this up in your dental kit. Brackets tend to be slightly abrasive to gums, cheeks, and lips so you would need something to buffer it. Just a pinch of it could cover the edges and relieve the nagging discomfort.

  1. Toothache drops

Kids and adults alike dread the feeling of toothache. It’s something no one would want to bear that’s why it’s a common reason to request for dental emergency services. Good thing toothache drops are available at any local pharmacy for urgent relief.

  1. Denture repair tool

Although there’s a same-day denture reline for most clinics who offer dentures, it’s pointless if you’re camping out in the wilderness. Be sure to have a denture repair kit with tools that include a bonding material and temporary replacement teeth.

  1. Temporary filling

Either you have a broken filling or an uncovered hole in your teeth, it ends up with dental pain. Aside from toothache drops, deal with it longer with temporary fillings until you could get proper emergency dental services.

  1. Temporary cement

This best applies to patients who have a bridge or a dental crown in London, Ontario. Sometimes, these artificial teeth tend to fall off for apparent causes. Avoid having to endure that scenario and buy a temporary dental cement or glue for your dental kit.

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