5 Things To Avoid When Caring For Your Dental Dentures

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Dental dentures are a trusted type of dental prosthetic because of their structure and function. A conventional denture, for example, is made of plastic gums and replacement teeth that’s removable. This is best for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth and need support when eating. Aside from this, it also has another type which could restore a few missing teeth using a metal framework.

Having said this, complete and partial plate dentures both serve specific dental needs to help every patient. Now, if you have replacement teeth, make sure that you have the proper information on how to make them last. You might think that dental plates are easy to maintain — as easy as cleaning your teeth. However, you’d be surprised to know that some cleaning items you use for your teeth don’t work for your prosthetic teeth.

5 things that aren’t advisable for your dental dentures

  1. Toothpaste

It’s rationale that patients would use toothpaste in cleaning their dental dentures since this product also clean their teeth. What you don’t know is that toothpaste is mildly abrasive. This could result in scratches that although microscopic is still enough for bacteria to linger in.

Interestingly, you could use dishwashing liquid or even liquid hand soap to clean your dental prosthetics. Just make sure you rinse it very well to remove the scent if you’re not too fond of it. Nevertheless, it still cleans the denture.

  1. Hard bristles

You should clean your partial plate dentures as often as you clean your mouth. Although doing it at least once a day is sufficient to clear away stuck food before having them back on. One thing to remember is to prefer soft-bristled toothbrush over the hard ones. In the same way as toothpaste, hard bristles may damage your prosthetic teeth. Also, you have to brush them gently to avoid damaging the plastic support or bending the metal attachments.

soft bristles

  1. Harsh cleansers

Dental dentures cleaners are cleaning items used on the dentures while they’re not in use. If you notice your grandparents soaking their choppers in a glass of water, that’s not just regular water. They actually soak it in a cleanser soaking solution. It helps in eliminating biofilm that could possibly have developed in the plates.

However, each type of dental appliance must have particular cleansers. One solution might be too harsh for a specific plate because it’s not compatible with metal or plastic. That’s why you need to consult your dentist to prevent damages.

  1. Bleaching products

Partial plate dentures won’t do well with toothpaste or mouthwash with whitening properties. It easily tarnishes your artificial gums and metal attachments. When this happens that would totally affect your dental plate’s appearance. Peroxide and chlorine also weaken any dental appliance material so beware on this one.

  1. Hot water

If you’re thinking that hot, boiling water could kill any bacteria buildup on your prosthetic teeth, you’re right. However, it would badly deform or warp your dental appliance until it won’t fit in your mouth anymore. In case this happens, your dentist might be able to help you with same day denture reline.

Know the most suitable cleaning techniques and products to maintain your dental denture in London, Ontario by consulting your dentist.

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