How Dental Implants Work Wonders

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Dental implants have been used in dentistry since they have been founded in 1965 and have already gone through many innovations then. At first, these famous dental posts were only made of metal and seemed to have given an allergic reaction to some patients. After that, types of materials such as zirconia and titanium dental implants were invented so patients continue to enjoy its benefits. 

Why should you consider dental implants?

  • Sturdy. During implants treatment, osseointegration or the fusion of the post and the patient’s tissues and bone takes place. This happens within a few months after the placement of the teeth implants. It’s the most vital stage of the treatment as this determines if the body will accept the dental implants as its own. If the treatment succeeds, there’s a guarantee the new replacement teeth will have sturdy and strong support. This allows the patient to eat or clean his teeth without challenges as if they are his real teeth. 
  • Safe. The materials used in titanium dental implants are safe components and are compatible with the human body. Other materials are already available today to make sure that patients have other options if they are sensitive to metal. These include zirconium and steel to mention a few.  
  • Long-lasting. Due to the fact that dental implants in London Ontario are made of durable materials, they last for more than 15 years. It’s not hard to maintain as patients could clean them as how they would normally clean their teeth. Patients also see their dentists regularly to ensure the health of both their teeth and dental posts.  
  • Improves aesthetics. A dentist might also recommend dental implants to make someone look more radiant and younger. Since missing teeth causes gums and jaw bone deterioration, it gives the patient a premature age appearance. With teeth posts to avoid that harmful process, the patient will remain looking irresistible.  

How do they work?

Prior to having titanium dental implants, it is a must to get advice from a reputable dental clinic. Although this dental treatment has many advantages, not everyone may be a candidate for it. Your dentist must be able to determine if tooth posts suit you or your body accepts it. 

Your dentist bores accesses to your gums and into your jawbone to place an implant. This is where he positions the tooth post and then stitches the gum. For two to six weeks, osseointegration occurs. Once it’s completed, the patient returns to the clinic. The dental screw, now fused with the gums and bones, acts as a sturdy tooth root and foundation for the new tooth replacement.  

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