Heed These Effortless Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

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You must follow a tooth extraction aftercare procedure to make sure that the fresh wound heals fast. Not considering any post-treatment maintenance might affect the socket of your missing tooth. Some patients complain about tooth extraction infection, dry mouth, and complications when they didn’t heed their dentist’s advice. Be smart enough not to be one of them. Your London dentist shares these effortless aftercare methods you should follow after having your tooth removal. 

Tooth extraction aftercare within 24 hours 

Leave the gauze in place after your treatment. 

The first thing you should bear in mind is to protect the socket of the extracted tooth. Within 3 to 4 hours, leave the gauze your dentist had placed on the affected site. Its purpose is to control the bleeding and form a blood clot. When the blood clot is present, do not attempt to dislodge it purposely or mindlessly take food that might remove it. You may change the gauze when necessary. You should apply this tooth extraction aftercare to avoid future complications. 

Take prescribed medication for relief

It’s normal to feel discomfort after having your tooth extraction treatment. Take your dentist’s medication prescriptions for relief. It’s not advisable to take unprescribed antibiotics or pain-reliever as these might result in tooth extraction infection or an allergic reaction.

Apply cold compress

Another effortless and safe way to alleviate your post-treatment discomfort is applying cold compress on the affected site. You may do this technique on 10-minute intervals. Do not place the ice pack on your face for too long as this might damage some tissues. 

Rest for 24 hours

Right after you leave your dentist’s office, get a lot of rest. This is the easiest tooth extraction aftercare you must do for a speedy recovery. Do not go back to school or work when you just had your tooth removed. You also need to avoid doing strenuous activities that require a lot of physical effort.

After 24 hours

The day after your tooth extraction in London Ontario you must continue to rest. Restrain from lifting heavy objects. Do not even do light activities such as washing the dishes as this effort might delay your wisdom tooth extraction recovery. 

You must also not drink alcohol or smoke or else you’ll have a tooth extraction infection.  Although you need to protect the blood clot on the socket, you still have to clean your teeth. Just avoid the affected site and gently clean the surrounding areas of your teeth.   

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