Mini Dental Implants: Less Invasive And Durable Restorations

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Some patients don’t want to undergo invasive dental procedures or choose removable restorations to replace their missing teeth. With this, dentists recommend mini dental implants for a sturdy restoration yet less invasive treatment.

What are mini dental implants?

As compared to traditional dental implants, mini implants are relatively smaller in diameter and shorter in length. Also, unlike regular two-piece implants, these are one solid piece of dental screws that are placed into the patient’s jawbone. They measure less than 3 millimeters in diameter with a protruding ball-shape at the top that connects to dentures or crowns. Having said this, mini implants cost is relatively lower than the regular implants.

Yet, patients still need their dentist’s recommendations if mini implants are most suitable for their dental cases. Although the option is available, however, one cannot simply choose mini implants over the other, unless recommended by his dentist.

When do dentists use mini dental implants?

In most dental cases, the dentist recommends mini dental implants if the patient has generally smaller teeth. Other factors to consider are the type and location of the missing teeth. If the patient lost his front teeth or premolars, mini implants would be a perfect fit. Furthermore, when there’s a narrow space to fill in, then mini implants are the best options. Dentists also recommend mini implants to patients who have loose dentures to secure their artificial teeth in place. Otherwise, they would have trouble eating or speaking with confidence.

How much do mini implants cost?

Mini implants cost twice as half as the regular dental implants. These are more affordable considering that the smaller screws are used. Also, the procedure is non-surgical and is done in one dental visit with no sutures required. Aside from that, bone grafting would no longer be necessary even though the patient’s jawbone is insufficient. The length of the mini implants makes it possible to ditch bone grafting, which is another cut to the dental bill.  

How to care for mini dental implants?

Taking care of your mini dental implants requires the same effort as caring for your natural teeth. Brush at least twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and floss once daily. While your gums are still recovering from the procedure, use a toothbrush with extra-soft bristles.

Now that you have an option to undergo a less invasive procedure, it’s time to replace missing teeth with mini implants. See your dentist in London, Ontario and ask about mini implants cost in your area.   

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