6 Misleading Statements About Dental Invisalign

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Dental Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that corrects teeth misalignment and other bite issues such as minor teeth gaps. It uses 20-22 clear aligners for an average period of 12 to 18 months. Every two weeks, the dentist provides new set of aligner trays to ensure progress of the treatment. Additionally, patients should wear these aligners for a period of 20 to 22 hours daily for best results.

Although Invisalign is a great option for patients with crooked teeth, there are still common misconceptions about this treatment.

Six popular misconceptions about dental Invisalign

Dental Invisalign is too expensive.

The price of the treatment is the most known myth about the traditional Invisalign. Oftentimes, patients think that the cost of the traditional braces is lesser than Invisalign.

On the contrary, both of these amazing treatments cost about the same. Hence, you should not let the thought of the price tag be a deterrent for you to achieve better smiles.

Invisalign is not as effective as metal braces.

Another misconception about Invisalign is that the treatment will not be as effective as having metal braces. Although traditional braces have proven its effectiveness over the years, dental Invisalign paved its way to get the similar credentials.

Actually, Invisalign has a better edge now. It uses digital imaging application which helps you foresee how your smile will look like after the treatment. More often than not, these predetermined results are always attained.

Insurance does not cover the treatment cost.

Most patients believe that insurance providers do not cover the cost of Invisalign treatment. This might be true for some as insurance policies claim to only cover for necessary dental treatments. Yet, clear aligners are usually suggested for cosmetic purposes.

Nevertheless, teeth malformation is a health condition that affects a patient’s speech and eating abilities if not treated. If not for aligners, the patient will remain deficient. Most insurance providers now cover at least a part of the dental bill if not the entire sum.

Invisalign is not for adults.

Invisalign dentist

This is one of the worst beliefs about dental traditional Invisalign. Your Invisalign dentist will attest that this treatment is for anyone, regardless of your age. It is because the clear trays used in the treatment are custom made. This only means that it will be made specifically for you no matter what your facial structure and age is.

Invisalign is hard to maintain.

Another hearsay about Invisalign is that its maintenance is challenging which is entirely false. The clear aligners are removable, making it more convenient for you to eat and enjoy your favourite food and drinks. It is also easier to perform your oral hygiene routine. Unlike with braces, there is no obstruction that you need to adjust just to brush and floss your teeth.

Invisalign has limited benefits.

Dental Invisalign is a wonderful orthodontic treatment that is as effective as traditional braces. It possesses a variety of advantages including its appearance. These aligners are made out of clear sturdy plastic that are virtually invisible. As a result, you are able to attend social gatherings and events without that awkward feeling when you need to smile.

Apart from the appearance, another great thing about traditional Invisalign is the comfort its gives. The aligners are created with precision to snugly fit to your teeth without the bulging metal brackets that may cause mouth sores.

Furthermore, the Invisalign treatment corrects bite issues above all. Invisalign uses 3D technology to show you exactly how your smile will turn out once the treatment is done.

Invisalign is an excellent treatment to help you boost your confidence since you can freely smile without drawing unwanted attention. The Invisalign treatment in London, Ontario holds true about these characteristics.

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