Pediatric Dentistry: Guiding Your Kids To Achieve Healthy Smiles

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Most parents are now more knowledgeable and initiative towards their kids’ oral health beginning from infancy. Some credits go to pediatric dentistry for guiding the family with the proper dental services and tips. Letting your kids see a dentist at that age gives them a higher chance of keeping healthy teeth until adulthood. 

That’s also one way to effectively prevent decay that may cause serious dental issues, like periodontal disease, later in life. Furthermore, this allows you to avoid having complex and costly general dental services in the future.   

Pediatric dentistry in childhood stages

  • Infant oral care. 

Just a few days after your child is born, you should already provide him with the oral care that’s suitable for him. Although teeth will start to erupt until around 6 months, that doesn’t mean he’s safe from diseases. Pediatric dentistry aims to educate parents that neglecting to clean your baby’s mouth will lead to possible infection from bacteria. That’s why, you need to ensure that you clean your baby’s mouth every day using a clean, wet cloth or gauze. Gently wipe it on his gums and tongue to remove milk residue. 

Before your dentist recommends for general dental services, he will remind you that this should’ve been prevented when you practice good oral hygiene. 

When teeth start to come out, you might need a finger brush to clean his mouth. Finger brushes for babies are made of silicone with soft tiny bumps on one side. The parent brushes the bristles on the developing teeth and keeps it clean. 

  • Toddler stage. 

At around age 3, most of his primary teeth have erupted. Although it’s temporary, pediatric dentistry proves that it’s already vulnerable to bacteria buildup. At this point, establish a good foundation on your kid’s oral hygiene practices. Have his dentist teach him how to properly brush his teeth and recommend you what type of brush suits him. 

There are plenty of brushes for your kids that you may acquire over-the-counter. However, you have to make sure that you choose something that’s approved by his pediatrician. There are smaller brushes for kids to fit in their small mouth. Some are soft and thin bristles and others may be harder. 

  • Adolescence

Most teenagers at this age already receive general dental services due to poor oral regimen and hygiene practices. Because of this, they would still need to see their dentist for continuous guidance and check-up on their teeth’s health. While they may be considered as young adults, they can be forgetful of their routine. As parents, just keep the gentle reminders coming before it’s too late. 

If you need the dental services in London Ontario, book for an appointment now!   

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